At Home Adventures: Juggling Seven Kids, Dinner Mishaps, and Quality Time with My Sober Husband

That lady got a husband and seven kids. And today after school, I took all seven of my kids over to the pool because they are not allowed to go to sleep before 7.30 and they can’t stay up all night. They was all trying to go to sleep immediately after school. Uh-uh, let’s go. I need to keep these kids up, but still get them in bed at a decent time because I also don’t want them in school falling asleep because they was up all night. Y’all know how it is. When we got home, my husband had finished dinner. He made some boxed macaroni, some mixed veggies, and some fried pork loin’s peach patch. Why would he cook three boxes of macaroni, but only utilize two packs of the cheese that come with it? Somebody, he added his own cheese. I think the macaroni was nasty as hell. He thought so too, but the kids loved it. Now the pork loin’s was a 10 out of 10. I would highly recommend. Y’all know my husband can fry up some food and so can I. Gotta be must’ve fried. Wood stepped outside to go get phenomenal. I was proud, will, that he left at the pool. So while he did that, I took over with frying the rest of the meat. And I am using my new frying pot that I got from TikTok Shop. After that, all the kids took baths and went down for sleep, except Gregory McKay. So Wood and I headed over to the clubhouse and shot some pool. This is like the closest that we get to a date. I’m super duper happy for where we currently are in life. My husband is 14 months sober of alcohol. He does not drink at all. He already never did drugs. Me, I don’t do drugs or drink, but I am 31 days bed free as well. I haven’t gambled in 31 days. So I’m super duper proud of me. And then just to be able to spend time with my husband, laughing, having fun without the kids, it was a ball.