5 Salads, 5 Days: A Monthly Salad Series with 5 Key Ingredients

Welcome to the Salad Lab, where we’re making fabulous salads every day. Let’s start a new monthly series, five salads for five days with five key ingredients. Oh yeah, and you can find the recipes and the shopping lists on my new sub stack. First thing we’re going to do is make a yummy lime juice base dressing. I’ve got a third of a cup of extra virgin olive oil, fresh squeezed lime juice, two tablespoons of honey, a couple tablespoons of water, then we have crushed garlic, a pinch of red pepper flake, and a teaspoon of lime zest. Can’t forget a little salt and pepper. Whisk. We’re going to add about three tablespoons of the dressing to each one. There is tahini, mango puree, chopped cilantro, dijon and balsamic, and you can’t see it, but there’s a beaker with dill and Greek yogurt. For the base, I recommend any hearty green you like. Today I’m using spinach and baby kale, cucumbers obviously, diced peppers, they’re in season right now, red onions, you know we soaked them in ice water, diced and drained cherry tomatoes. I love these mini avocados. I keep them whole until I’m ready to use them and then I just squeeze out the middles. And that’s your salad base. Now we just add a different protein and dressing each day. The first one we’re going to do grilled shrimp and that mango dressing. For this one we’ll add grilled chicken and the tahini dressing. Next one is the quinoa bean with cilantro lime. And finally a turkey feta with a balsamic vinaigrette. Staple them, stick them in the fridge and you’re set for the week. Enjoy!