Fix You: A Contemporary Dance Journey of Personal Storytelling

So today is my final class of this trip and I wanted to end it on such a special note. Pretty much all of my classes have a specific purpose to them. I always try to create something people and students can take with them back into not only dance but also into their lives. The best way that I can achieve that is through contemporary. I feel like a great strength that I’ve strived for is to be able to story tell through movement. I feel like teaching kind of gives me the opportunity to do that with my voice as well and get to really connect with everybody and be there in this moment. A little something that I do before my contemporary classes, especially if it’s something that is so personal to me or that I really want to take care of gently, is that I’ll sit down and I’ll type out exactly what this piece means. I’ll create a generalization to give to the students to say, hey, this is what this means to me but what I want from you is for you to feel this how you need to feel it. Because no one in this room is exactly the same. We all have our own individual thoughts and feelings and whatever you need today, that’s what I want you to bring. Today is going to be so special. I’m teaching the Fix You by Coldplay and it is such a great song, great energy and I I am ready. I just want it to be comfortable. No makeup, frizzy hair, everything and just be. So final class.