Becoming the Fittest Father of Four: Day 620 Training Recap with Demo Videos and Fitness Tips

It’s day 620 of training to be the fittest father of four without sacrificing time with my family. And today was one of those demo video days where I didn’t actually have a plan going into it. And that’s something I need to work on is planning these days out a little bit better. But I looked through our programming to see movements that we don’t have a good video for and record a little more in depth going over the talking points I’d cover with someone if I was walking through it in person. And it ended up being a session full of different hip stretches, as well as a couple of things we do for conditioning. But I also snuck in my answer to one of the most common questions I get, which is what I did for ankle flexibility. And the answer is the Achilles stretch or the fisherman squat. And then I played around with something for the low back, but that was it for today’s training session. So if you’re looking for more Fit Dad inspiration, check out my other videos and consider following.