A Daily Journey of Hope and Faith: Day Six Prayer Walk for Mental Health

This is day six of my new journey, walk with me for my mental health. And I’m so excited to know that I have made it to day six. I’m so proud of me. I’m proud of myself for sticking to it. And I’ve made it to day six. Yes, thank you for joining me this morning again. Thank you for joining me. And I hope that you are truly putting your all into this new journey as we do it together. Okay, thank you so much. So I’m gonna pray with you this morning. I’m almost finished with my walk. So I’m gonna pray and to, just to give you a word of encouragement for the day. Heavenly Father, thank you so much for your love. Thank you for your goodness. Help us to remember this morning that the same way you came through for those three Hebrew boys, whatever difficulties you’re going through, you will come through for us because you are the way maker. Thank you for your love. Thank you for your goodness. Any situation that we’re faced with today, Lord, help us to remember that you are there. Help us to remember to breathe. Help us to remember to pray before we speak and to remember that you are our guide and we can depend on you. We ask that you protect us whole, protect us from all the harms that are there that the enemy has set up to overthrow us. Bless our children, bless our families. We pray for a home that is filled with love, with peace, with a flourishing, an environment that will allow our children to thrive and to flourish so that they can be the best version of themselves. I pray, Lord, that you will just guide us continually now. Bless us in all that we do and in all that we say. We are your children and so we claim the victory. We know you are our father and you’re gonna take care of us. So we’re not going to be dismayed because you will take care of us. Thanks again for hearing and answering our prayers. In the name of Jesus, amen. Please, Lord, also put this video in front of the person who needs this word this morning. Amen.