Overcoming Fear with Faith: A Reflection on 2 Timothy 1:7

Do you have a minute for God tonight? If so, share this with your friends. Tonight we’re talking about fear. And this is in the verse 2 Timothy 1, 7. It says, So let’s dive deep. A lot of the times we go through life and when change arrives, we have so much fear or we fear going the wrong way. We fear God disproving of what we’re doing in life. And constantly we are fearing things that never even happened to us. See God’s spirit does not give us fear. God gives us the courage to overcome any fear put upon us. If you guys don’t know, the enemy is a master decener. He likes to fill our spirit with doubt, hate, fear constantly every day. And as you see success, the enemy tries to latch on to you and any tiny hint of weakness he attacks. And most of that is fear. And constantly we fear the worst when in reality, it’s never even going to happen. So we need to trust in the Lord. And it says here that the spirit is given the courage to combat fear. And we have the Lord and you don’t want to fear anything but the Lord. So trust in the Lord, trust in your spirit, lean on him because we are not meant to be timid. See the God gave us the power, love and self-discipline to combat fear. Trust in the Lord, allow him to deliver you through that fear. Ask him, cast your anxieties onto him because he cares. Trust in the Lord and he will deliver you from your fear. God bless you guys. Have an amazing night.