Entity 23: Behind the Song – A Journey of Self-Discovery and Empowerment through Music

Hey it’s Ada and this is episode 6 of Behind the Song where I’ll be talking about the title track of our first EP, Entity 23. Now, this will be the last episode of this season, but I will be back with a season 2 because our second EP is coming very soon. Be excited. Anyway, back to Entity 23. The song just started as a melody on my looper that just kept repeating and every time I listened to it I wasn’t sure where I wanted to go with it. Then I realized that I kept singing closer by Halsey and the Chainsmokers over it. And so that kind of shaped stylistically and rhythmically where I wanted to go with the lyrics, then I just had to figure out the substance. And it got me thinking how often I compare myself to others and get swamped by social media and, you know, often feeling behind because of it, because you see all these people living their glamorous lives. But of course that’s always just the highlight reel. And I wanted to keep it real. I wanted to share my struggles in self-confidence and self-acceptance while also creating a song that could empower people to say, you know what? Yeah, it’s great to see that on social media, but I’m doing my own thing. My life is so different from theirs. We can’t compare that because we’re on different paths. And so I wanted to create a song that connected with other people because I know this is a huge thing for my generation and honestly for other generations as well. That’s made even stronger by the presence of social media. So I wanted to do that and also to create empowerment for my friends who I ended up including on the gang vocals at the end of the song. And then I also included them in the lyric video, which was done by my cousin, Nicholas Donatelli. So you can go ahead and watch that on YouTube. It really means a lot to me and I love it so much. And entity 23, little thing, little fun fact is that I called it that because I could not think of a title forever. And I say this line, I am my own entity. I am where I’m meant to be. And that resonated so strongly with me. And then I added the 23 on the end because that’s how old I was when I wrote the song. And so it’s a really nice little encapsulation of where I was at that time in my life. And that kind of was the uniting thread through the whole album. And that’s why we named it entity 23. So I hope you enjoy it and I’ll see you next season.