Adventure at the Airport: A Spirited Journey to Catch a Flight

You go this way. Go, go, go that way. Okay, guys. Oh, just here. How do I open the door? No problem. Alright. I’m supposed to be on that flight. Thank you, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Where’s the plane? Where are you going? Lusaka. This one? Yeah, I know. Okay. Alright. Alright. Thank God the plane’s still there. Woo! Well, I tell you what, I knew it was going to be alright. I wasn’t panicking. I knew. Everything in my spirit was telling me, hey man, just lay back. It’s going to be alright. They can’t leave without you. I mean, they can’t leave you in the middle of nowhere. I knew it. I knew it the whole time I knew it. You all were just, you know, you all were a mess. I wasn’t the one panicking. You guys were panicking. Woo! Alright. Here it is. Alright. Are we leaving? Okay. Thank you. So, you were waiting for me? Thank you! Bye! Bye! Thank you! Bye! Thank you! Bless you! Thank you for the ride! Thank you! Sorry.