Saving Time, Money, and Stress: The Value of Tommy and Billy’s Car Negotiation Services

How do you feel about the guy from Charlotte getting a thousand to save somebody in reality $2,500? So I think who you’re talking about is Tommy at Delivered. Tommy is one of my favorite people on this platform. I think that it’s amazing how hard he works to save people money. And if you told me you’re going to give me a thousand, but I’m going to save you $2,000, I would do that all day. But you know, it’s not just about the money. You know, think about the time that he’s saving people too. You know, the time and the headaches. You know, there was some report done a long time ago. I remember reading where they said buying a car is the second most painful thing that people do next to going to the dentist, almost as bad as going to the dentist, which is crazy. So you know, for a thousand bucks, you’re telling me you’re going to take all that headache and stress away. You’re going to negotiate, deal with all the salespeople, do all that stuff, get me the best rate, give me the best trade in value. I can go about my day being with my family or whatever it is I want to do for a thousand bucks. I’m all over that. I think it’s great. There’s another guy who’s doing it too out west, Billy, Billy the car kid is another guy who does a great job. Those guys are awesome.