Organizing My Dollar Tree and Beauty Inventory: A Peek Inside My Collection

Good morning everyone! Happy hump day! Today I wanted to show you an updated look at my Dollar Tree and other beauty inventory. I did do it a while ago but I did do some reorganizing so I want to show you what I’ve done. Starting with my Insane Spa Headband collection. You guys I have seven hooks up here that hold four and I haven’t counted recently because I’ve had a large influx of them and have just not counted because maybe I don’t want to know but that is how I store my spa headbands. My towel bar has obviously been taken over so this is where I hang my little hand towel which is really sad and then this is where I have my serums and my face creams. This is where all my skincare in terms of cleansers, wipes, facial sprays, toners, that type of stuff are and then these are just things I use every day. Lotion, body cream, castor oil, I use that on my eyelashes and my eyebrows and under my eyes and then my body oil by Popsugar. This is one of my new favorites. I moisturize my tattoo with that and then I’ve got my eye stuff here, face stuff, that kind of stuff here and then this is what I’ve been working on lately. I just kind of rearranged it. This is all my hair stuff. I’ve got my plethora of under eye patches and then all of these organizers are from the Dollar Tree. This one, if you guys can find it, it’s incredible. I love this one and then I’ve got my lotions here and then perfumes and then I re-did this stuff up here too. That’s all my, that one obviously isn’t from the Dollar Tree but that’s all my meds. This is like band-aids and stuff. These are all meds that we like reach for on a more regular basis. That stuff’s not exciting but then down here this is all of my makeup. I don’t have a vanity or anything so this is kind of just what works for me. That is backup makeup and stuff like that. This is my setting spray, primers, beauty blenders, that type of stuff. Those are all my lip products. We’ve got my hair clips, headbands and scrunchies here. I got these little stackable ones. I really like this. These are my body powders and like freshening wipes. We’ve got deodorants and body soaps. Then we’ve got back there some like toothbrush supplies and then razors and things like that. This is where I keep my nail pelishes and other like nail supplies there. And then this is what I did recently because I had so much stuff and it was just piling up. I ended up doing a little bit of a thing in my closet here. This is all of my masks which is insane you guys. These are all of my hair masks and foot masks and that type of stuff. Then the top drawer here is all skincare. Not all from the Dollar Tree but that’s all kind of random skincare stuff. This one is my miscellaneous drawer that has all sorts of stuff which stay tuned I’m gonna try my first set of artificial lashes and my friend Jen sent me these ones because she said these are the best so we’re gonna we’re gonna try those together at some point. But that’s all my odds and ends for beauty. And then we’ve got this one which is like bath and body type of I think I hit the off button there but soaps and scrubs and body washes and that kind of stuff. And then here is all of my wipes. I have a ton of those. So that’s kind of what we’re looking at for my Dollar Tree and other beauty supplies. I would love to see how all of you Dollar Tree freaks store all of your Dollar Tree inventory because I know we all go frequently and acquire a lot of stuff. Robin or Roloco on here was kind of the one who started this whole thing about showing where she stores all of her stuff. So tag me because I want to see how you guys store all your stuff.