The Complex Decision to Leave or Stay: Understanding the Validity of Choices in Abusive Relationships

but there are certain situations where you should slash could stay. This woman is saying that there are some situations where it’s okay to stay in an abusive relationship. And she’s right. Not for the reasons she thinks she’s right. She thinks that God wants you to stay in an abusive relationship because that would be the most Christian. And me personally, I don’t give a shit what God thinks. What I am saying is that I feel like I have no right to tell someone who’s currently experiencing abuse whether or not they should leave or they should stay. And there are reasons, very valid reasons that you feel like you cannot go and that is okay. My love for you, my respect for you, my validation of your feelings and your experiences aren’t predicated on whether or not you leave. They’re predicated on the fact that you exist and you’ve experienced harm you shouldn’t have to. But as someone who has gotten out of an abusive relationship, I care about you even if you never do.