Challenging Encounters at the Car Dealership: A Comedic Dialogue

Welcome to the dealership. My name is Hunter and you are? Nah, I don’t do all that. Do what? The whole name thing. Not ready for that yet. Okay, well what brings you to the dealer today, sir? I was looking for groceries. Could you show me where aisle three is? Is a car dealership, man. I know, I was being sarcastic. Probably didn’t get it, did you? That’s probably why you’re in sales. Probably not the brightest, are you? How many miles are on this one? It’s a brand new car. Yeah. Let me say this so even you can understand it. How many miles are on it? Like 15? That’s too many. I thought you said it was new. I mean it got driven off the track and around the block at one time. Yeah, that’s not new. That’s used and abused and someone probably farted in it. I’m not buying a car that somebody farted in that’s not brand new. We could try and find one for less miles, I guess. Yeah, let’s do that. Hey, is there a price range you have in mind, sir? How about this? You tell me the price of the car and if I like it, I’ll have you go fetch the keys. Okay, I just wanted to make sure we’re kind of staying in your budget. Well, let me stop you right there. I could afford any car on this lot cash, so I don’t have a budget. If I see something I like, then I pay cash for it. So does this truck seem big enough for you? I don’t know. How many square cubic millimeters is it? Uh, I don’t know. That doesn’t surprise me. I mean I can go get you that information. And while you’re in there getting that information, why don’t you get me somebody who knows what they’re talking about? Because you don’t. Uh, okay. I would say thank you, but there’s really nothing to thank you for, so why don’t you just scurry on inside and find someone who can actually help me? Gladly. I’m sure you would. Go ahead.