Breaking Free: From 9 to 5 to Full-Time Business Owner

Good morning guys, I can finally tell you my good news that I’ve been holding in for three months. I’ve quit my 9 to 5. I finished work in my notice period which makes today my last day. That also makes me a full-time business owner which I’m super excited about. I wanted to keep this one quiet, keep the nasty devil and his people away from me. So that I can make sure this pulls through the way it’s supposed to. I’m super excited, I can finally share this with you guys. This is me sharing it with the public anyway because my client’s new two weeks ago. I’m going to do a YouTube video, a little story time about how I got here etc etc. That’s the news, I’m a full-time business owner after today at 3pm. That’s when I finish. Stay tuned for that.