Awkward Encounters with the Postman: A Tale of Misunderstandings and Social Awkwardness

I was about to walk past the postman and I was like, hi, and I said his name and I was like, how are you? And he didn’t hear me. And I said it three more times as he was walking towards me. And my dad was like, I think he’s ignoring you. And then he was like, oh, hi. And I was like, no, I think he was just in his own world. But now I’m thinking maybe he was ignoring me and he was trying like not to say hi to me. You know how there’s those people that you walk past and you just don’t want them to see you so you don’t make eye contact with them. So they don’t say hi. Well, I guess I maybe I’m one of those people that don’t pick up on that and just continue saying hi until the person responds, whoops.