Car Shopping Chronicles: Finding the Perfect Ride for Miss Gabby

So we’re getting ready to go look at a car for Miss Gabby our 16 year old daughter who’s 17 in less than two weeks. This will be the first car we go look at in person we’ve looked at plenty plenty plenty plenty plenty plenty of cars. Y’all remember how I told her she wanted a scat pack well. Alright I know I know I know y’all like that it’s too much car for a child. We know but you know how this is this is this life is like the kids is trying to keep up with kids and we gotta do what we gotta do plus she’s a good kid she gets a great grade she’s a peace student she’s in dual enrollments college like this child is amazing okay so here we go so there’s sports yeah this is not dumb feet very well they’ve been picky you know like this I like this though oh it’s hot you have to take it on okay can I you gotta be able to check everything you don’t even know that car it’s 5100 and the man is saying he’s super firm on the price I had a couple little knickknacks to it I did like specs he added a camera backup camera to it and he changed the radio console that was pretty cool and it is a 2013 um with 130 000 miles on it so you guys tell me which I think is it’s $100 too much for that type of car what do y’all think