Playful Dumb Questions Game: Guessing Secrets Among Friends

play around of dumb questions to ask your friends. First, pick a guesser and pick a category. Everyone else answers the secret question. I am going to go with. Brian, me, me, me, me. My dad, Richard, really gets me. The guesser gets five cards and has to figure out what the secret question is. Which player is most likely to believe they lived a past life? Probably Sophie. Which player is probably the best at assembling flat pack furniture? I don’t think that was the question either. Which player is most likely to own a pet stick insect called Gerald? Which player probably calls their mom or dad the most? Joe would have said herself for sure. So this has got to be the question. Which player is the most likely to clap on the plane? I think I got this way wrong. I literally put that zero to four. Yeah, would you like to know what the answer is? Yeah. Which player probably the best at assembling flat pack furniture? You said yourself. And I’m right. And she said herself at first.