Tribute to Nomsa Buda: A Playlist for Remembering a Beloved Mother

Hello, hello, hey, hello, hello. Hello, Miskat. How are you doing today? It is a beautiful, beautiful Thursday morning, the 15th of August, just in case you need a bit of reminding. And the time right now is 13 minutes past nine o’clock. My name is Ndomga Isseme. So you can call me Elizabeth. You can call me Maputi. You can call me Ndombe. You can call me Babeswamata. Hey, you can call me Keth. You can call me Dali. Just call me on 086-000-2479. That is the studio hotline. Let me give you another number quickly, the WhatsApp line, which is 060-584-2250. Let’s get straight into it. We do have a foreplay, and that foreplay has Howard Hewitt, call his name Zonke, thank you for loving me, Paul Hardcastle with a song called You May Be Gone, as well as Judith Supuma with Meh Mazwale. And the foreplay has a message. It reads, good morning, Assistant Domi. My name is Smusiso Hekta Buda. I would like to dedicate these four songs to my late mother, Nomsa Buda. Thank you so much for raising me to be the man that I am today. Mama, we miss you.