Tips for Getting Car Quotes Without Giving Your Credit Information: How to Estimate Costs and Avoid Being Ripped Off

never need to give a dealer your credit to get a quote on a car. I worked for Mercedes Benz for five years, General Motors for five years. I ran thousands of quotes and never once did I need a credit profile. Why? Because it’s only an estimate and that’s all you want. You’re standing in front of a car and you don’t know what it costs. I’m going to teach you how to do that before the end of the video. And all you want is an estimate. And it’s important you tell them assume good credit when you give me the quote. Why? Because you need to know what this car costs with good credit. Let’s say it’s $450 a month. By the time they run your credit, if they come back at 700 a month, they now need to explain to you how it went from 450 to seven, but if you don’t get a quote with good credit, you’ll never know it was 450. Now you need to know on a five year loan, every $5,000 that you borrow is about a hundred bucks a month. So when you’re looking at a car that’s $25,000, first thing in your mind should be that’s about 500 bucks a month. If it’s 15,000, it’s about 300 bucks a month. And if you go in with those parameters and the first part of this video, there’s no way they could rip you off. Follow me for more guidance. Click the link in the bio. If you want to learn how to shop from home.