Subletting in Old Dubai: Unveiling the Paranormal & Profitable Real Estate Strategy

You’re always out and about in Dubai, but especially in old Dubai, Paritubhai, Satwa, Karama. You sublet, correct? I sublet, yes. And you don’t sublet like a normal subletter. You sublet in a paranormal yet awesome way. Tell me more. Okay. What I do is, and I’ll tell you how it started. I go in those areas and I see companies like **** and **** are in a lot of those areas, those undesirable areas. And I said, they’re over here for a reason because **** pretty much feel like they have pulled on to the volume business model. Okay, yes, these are poor areas in Dubai, but there’s money over there in property management and renting because they’re subletting as well. Because **** gets, or these other companies like ****, they get these properties from owners, Emiratis, because only Emiratis can buy in those areas. They get these properties from them and then they manage them. or they give a sum to sublet those properties. And I said, it’s not much money over here. It is about the money. It’s the volume business. If I have 10 properties there and I’m making only 200,000 a year, I’m not making 200,000 a year off each property. I’m making 2 million because I have 10. So the business in those lower income areas, it’s volume business. That’s what we go for.