A Semi-Busy Afternoon: Prep, Play, and Relaxation – A Day in the Life

Busy is probably pushing it, I have a like semi-busy afternoon. So it is currently one o’clock or 12.59. Let me take you guys through what my afternoon looks like today. So I’m gonna prep as much of dinner as I can. We’re doing chicken enchiladas. So I could definitely like actually cook them now. I just don’t want to. So I’m just gonna cut up everything to go in it. Onion, capsicum strips. And we’ve got the chicken, which is still frozen, but that’s all right. I might start cutting up all my chicken frozen because that’s so easy. So we’re just gonna chuck all of this in the fridge so that when it comes time for dinner when we get home, I don’t have to cut anything. I can just chuck it all in the pan. So we’ve got chicken, capsicum, onion. Sorted. That took eight minutes and there’s a very minimal cleanup. Now I’m hanging out on the couch, eating some caramel popcorn and watching TV. It’s 1.45, I need to get going. I’ve got the boys’ bucket pack of Twisty’s and a barry for them to eat at the park. I also ended up bringing another change of clothes because, I mean, his daycare clothes are all like stained and gross and I didn’t want to take him to the doctors like that. I’m leaving a little bit earlier than I was going to because I’m hoping to have time to stop at the chemist and get my prescription before we pick my little brother up. Did you have a good day at school? Good night. Good night. Good night. Good night. Good night. Good night. Good night. That’s the one. Description for Kayleigh Fierce. He is looking a bit more presentable. So now we’re going to go for a walk and get Leah. Alrighty, we are at the park. The boys are just playing. We’ve got about half an hour to kill. So hopefully they’ll just happily play. I’ve got the snacks here with me. We’ve been here exactly three minutes and we’re already into the snacks. You can weld them. So now it’s 6.42. I sit on the ground. We have Harley here too. Well, here’s a bath. He’s currently eating an ice block because ice blocks in the bath are our current favorite thing. 7.46 and I’ve just hopped out of the shower. You want to show your wrapping paper? Yes, wrapping paper. Oh, your sandpaper. I wanted you more than you will ever know. It’s as high as you wish it. It’s quick as an elf. How much I love you.