Behind the Golden Arches: Insights from a McDonald’s Crew Trainer

Things that McDonald’s workers do that people who don’t work in McDonald’s just won’t understand. We don’t do that. It’s 1101 a.m. and it’s now no longer breakfasts, it’s now main menu. As a crew trainer, I can run the kitchen and I can say, okay guys, no more breakfast, otherwise we’ll be cooking breakfast at the same time as we’ll be putting chicken down, at the same time we’ll be putting beef patties down, it doesn’t work. And there is our days where you’ll come for the drive through at like three minutes past 11 and we’ll have brekkie left. So we’re like, oh yeah, we can have a brekkie. You know, the customer’s always right, trying to keep the customers happy, we’re not gonna not serve foods yet and miss out on a sale to be spiteful. It is mainly managers that do this though, like I’m not the one to be making the call for no more breakfast all the time. But if you want a bacon roll and there’s no more bacon left and it’s gone 11, you’re not getting a bacon roll, I’m sorry. I do sound like a proper jobswiff on this video so far, I’m not gonna lie to you, but I’m not. It’s just when customers actually genuinely kick off at you in the drive through and there’s nothing that you can do because the kitchen has told you, which I’ve been in that situation a lot of times, the kitchen has told me there’s no more food left. I’m sorry, I can’t do that. And a lot of the time the person working headset and doing the booth is just the messenger. Don’t shoot them, don’t shoot them. So when you’re being really disrespectful to that person it’s literally not their fault and they’re gonna feel really bad about something they can’t change. Why are you waiting so long at the headset? So when you pull up and you’re at the speaker, you’re like, Jesus Christ, they’re taking ages. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes they do actually genuinely take, don’t they? But a lot of the time, well in my store anyway, nobody’s actually allowed to stood around and be chatting. Like we’re doing our job, you know. And a lot of the time the person on one of the headsets, it is two separate people, so the person on one of the headsets is down where you pay for your order and then the other one is on drinks as well. And the making drinks, they’ve got over 10 orders on the screen and they’re making drinks at the same time, it’s really busy. There’s a lot of the time only one of them, but usually two of them and it’s just really hard. It is hard to do it, you can’t. And if you’re a McDonald’s worker, it is hard to do. And that’s sometimes why you might be taking long. Although the customer is priority so they should be answering, yeah. Within like the first five seconds, but that’s not really like, that’s just an explanation as to what we’re doing, we’re not standing around. Why is the McFlurry machine always off? I get asked this a lot of time. I can only speak for my own store and it’s not really. Like our store, for instance, we pick a day, we say like Tuesday morning and it is consistent, you’ll notice every time. And for that day, it’s just getting cleaned unless you want a Dessy McFlurry. It’s low key health and safety. Like, is it? I don’t really know. I don’t know the ins and outs like that, but it has to be cleaned. I did actually see a video of some girl and she was like, we turn it off when it gets really busy. That’s not the case where I work. You shouldn’t have really said that because you’re gonna get in trouble. But no, that’s not the case in a lot of stores. My store doesn’t turn it off. It’s genuinely getting cleaned or it’s been used that many times that it’s broken and we have to leave it for like five, 10 minutes. Or I’ll give you another one. We’ve run out of spoons or we’ve run out of cups. I went for the drive-through a couple of weeks ago and I was like, hey guys, like what are we waiting on? And they were like spoons. And I was like, okay, give me the McFlurry without the spoon. I don’t care about the damn spoon. They found spoons in the end, but you know. Yeah, if you’ve got any more questions or you want me to do like a part two, I do have some other things, but I feel like it’s getting long. So if you want me to do a part two or any questions, please let me know. Just to re-etitate, is that the word? Re-eticate, you know what I mean? On the point, I’m not trying to be a jobsweave. I’m just genuinely answering people’s questions. Obviously I do a lot of McDonald’s videos where people do ask these questions and then that’s the answer for you, I guess. Or any McDonald’s story times that you want from me and I’ll do them for you if you want it. But yeah, thanks for watching. I hope this clears some things up. Love you, bye.