Mastering the Interview: Why You Should Always Ask Questions at the End

Have you ever wondered why at the end of the interview they ask you, do you have any questions for us? But it’s not a surprise. They’re going to ask you that at the end of the interview. So the thought is, are you going to be ready for that question or not? First watch you do listen to me because I’ve been in education for 23 years currently work in HR where I send interviews for teachers, coaches, school admin and district personnel. The reason they ask that question is they want to see how interested you really are in the role. What most people do at the end and probably because they’re trying to get out of the room and escape that situation because it’s not very comfortable is they say, no, I don’t have any questions so that they can leave the room and be done with the interview. That’s not what you want to do, right? You don’t want to be like most people. Here’s something I would suggest you do. Always, always ask a question that’s going to allow them to open up about their experience in the school, in the community or in the role. Those questions start with the words, tell me about. You can ask, tell me about why you enjoy working here. Using the phrase, tell me about that allows them to kind of go in whatever direction they want. And then you have your clues to what’s important to do in the work. Found any value in that tip and you want more tips like that, click the link in my bio and let’s connect.