Empowering Body Image Transformation: Redefining Beauty Standards Through Diverse and Sensual Content on Cheeks Platform

One of the most impactful steps I took in healing my relationship with my body was changing the images that I was viewing on a daily basis. I’ve talked about this a lot in terms of social media changing up your feed to make sure you are interacting with people who exist outside of the conventional beauty standard. And the part that I have not touched on that I think we need to, and if you are my parents, this is where you scroll away, love you, bye, is in spicy content. Mainstream spicy content can feed that same beast. It is difficult to relate to and therefore difficult to enjoy. Cheeks, I’ve talked about it before, is a different type of spicy content platform. They feature ethically produced, very hot content that is focused on the female gaze. And the very first thing that I ever turned on, no pun intended, on the platform was a video that featured someone with a body very similar to mine. Being absolutely adored. When I tell you that flipped a switch, it just took any sort of self-consciousness or judgment out of the equation. It also audios an entire educational section with workshops and tutorials on everything from mental health and communication to anatomy and specific techniques and so many things that I can’t say on here without getting bleeped. If you want to check out Cheeks, I do have a code, it’ll give you seven days free access to the entire platform and the link is in the place where links go. You know where to look.