Revolutionizing Job Search: The Rise of AI and Evidence-Based Hiring in the Digital Era

Wall Street Journals finally reporting on something I’ve been predicting for months on this app, which is AI speeding up the death of the resume. So in this article, they talk about AI versus AI. Let me just recap for you.

Companies, recruiters, hiring managers are now using AI to screen all the applications that are coming in because they’re getting hundreds, sometimes up thousands of applicants online and they can’t physically screen them all. So how are job seekers retaliating? They’re using AI to create custom resumes and applications that exactly fit the job description in order to get through. Here’s the problem with that. Companies are now opening up a job posting, getting hundreds of applicants and then shutting it down really quickly because the AI is saying, wow, look, we got a lot of perfect applicants. Now they go to interview those applicants and this is where they find out after two weeks of interviewing that none of these people are really a match. They game the system and there are really the candidates they need. The system is broken. It is imploding on itself. So what’s gonna happen?

I’ve again been telling you for a while, it’s evidence based hiring next level. So evidence based hiring means that companies are gonna require you to authenticate yourself and really prove that you are who you say you are and can do what you say you can do. Now if you’ve done a one way interview in the last few months, you’ve experienced evidence base hiring. This is one of those URLs that comes to you and they say, hey, answer all these questions on video. And then it comes back to them. And then if you hear from them, you get an interview. But if you don’t, you get ghosted. The problem with that is it feels really icky. First of all, it’s one way. So you have no control over what you get to say or what you get to choose to share. And now your video you goes back and they own that. I don’t like that for you. And so there is an alternative that you’re gonna see very quickly rise because enough job seekers are gonna push back on this and say this asynchronous video thing doesn’t feel right. The solution will be for you as a job seeker to take control of that, for you to control the first impression and the messaging. And that’s why I’ve been telling you repeatedly that mobile apps like McCoy are the ones that are gonna really skyrocket in this and order for you to be able to authenticate yourself.

So for example, with McCoy, you can choose what do you wanna share to that hiring manager? What do you want them to understand about you? And you get to do it in a way that you can put it all in one URL and then send it to the hiring manager. They open it up, you get an email notification that they’re looking at it, and now they’re getting a first impression of you. This is how you can control what’s being done here. That’s you. They can’t take the videos. They can’t own them in any way. You control everything.

This is really important as a job seeker, folks, right? So once you’ve done that, guess what happens? Hiring manager sees you, hears you, knows you’re who you say you’re, and now you get the next interview. And the best part, because they were so impressed with what you shared, that second interview is much more powerful and effective. How do I know this is working? Because I’m coaching people every single day on how to use McCoy, and they’re the ones that are literally getting these interviews right now. And they’re not bothering with the online process that, as the Wall Street Journals pointing out, is totally broken. They are back channeling, going around the system and getting their McCoy directly in the hands of a hiring manager. That’s the game changer. You own the process. You make the first impression and the connection. So, you know, I’m excited that this is happening. It’s about time that this imploded. I wanna see the death of the resume because a resume does not properly represent any of us. We have to be able to share our impact evidence, the proof that we can make an impact for the job. And I’m excited to see tools like McCoy that are allowing people to do that. They’re getting the job interviews, they’re getting the job. So folks, keep an eye on it. Technology is coming. Things are changing so quickly. You gotta stay on top of things like this.

Okay, did this help? If it did, share with me in the comments below or I’d be grateful. It’s totally free. If you follow me and post a question, I’m trying to answer as many as I can here on this app to help you. Okay, folks, good luck. Go get him.