Clarifying Misconceptions: Supporting Women Who Deserve It

there’s been a little bit of chatter about me lately. Apparently people have been throwing around that I say women should support women, but I don’t do what I say. Let’s put aside the fact that in real life, I have probably led, developed, taught, supported, coached, mentored, and promoted more women than anyone you know. But we’ll put that aside for now. Let’s use props. This is the population of women. This is the population of people that are just not very nice. When these two intersect, and then all of a sudden you have that little intersect right here, this little space right here, those are women that are not nice. If you’re in that space, I’m not supporting you. And I’m a little unapologetic about it. If you’re in this space right here, I’m in the front row seat, I’m your biggest cheerleader, and I am supporting the hell out of you. I hope that helps to clarify things. The visual always helps.