Protecting Jamaica: A Call to Preserve Our Homeland and Heritage

Jamaica is one of the second baddest place worldwide. That’s what they put on our country, only to make people fear Jamaica, so they can move in while we are moving out. It funny how people is scaring us out of our own country and telling us foreign better than yard. Let me tell you something, no one are better than yard, because the time we’re taking packing our things to go overseas to live, people overseas is actually taking their time packing to leave their place to go in our place where bad, the second baddest place in the world. You know, see fear they try to put in people if you know what I got in Jamaica, but them are sneaking like a thief in the night, their own houses, their own lands, their own businesses in the country that we’re in, is the second baddest place in the world. So how that makes sense to you, sit down and watch what’s going on. Right now, you can’t own a piece of land in Jamaica unless you have your good $50,000 to own the land there, because it don’t skyrocket right now like America buy a piece of land. A house in Jamaica right now is overpriced because the people in Jamaica right now will go buy them something. They might tell them, say them the mine pay the expensive price while we as Jamaican is hard for we buy a house down there because the price is so high. But I’m encouraging y’all stop selling on the house to people and run out on our own country, because it’s gonna be time to come that we’re not gonna want a house back, I wanna kill and get one back in our own country. Keep the piece of good house you wanna have back home and come and foreign and try build it up, but don’t sell it. Stop sell out on the things and go foreign. That’s all we are doing from years ago until now. And I’m encouraging y’all to keep whatever you own back home and don’t sell out if you’re going to travel, because people are lurking and waiting for us to move so them can come in like a thief in the night. Next thing we’re gonna recognize this soon that we are gonna wake up to a white Jamaica because that’s how Jamaica is right now. If one of them, if another color come in and we are changeable color, make it make sense.