Day 3 of Sourdough Feeding: Cultivating a Thick and Bubbly Starter for Holiday Bread

All right, it’s day three, time to feed our sourdough. Now, today the instructions are just a little different. We’re doing a quarter cup of flour, and the same with water. Water, make sure this is filtered. And give it a stir. Can you believe in just a few days she’s gonna be thick and bubbly? If you wanna make sourdough with me, I will leave the link to get the cultures so that you don’t have to worry. It’s the easiest way to do it. And then we’re gonna have bread for the whole holiday season. Who’s excited for fresh bread? Grab in the link, there’s a $5 coupon today. Now cover it with a breathable cloth, out of the sunlight, I’ll see you tomorrow.