Resilience and Glory: A Tribute to the Buffalo Bills

And I say this because I know you’ve been asked a million times about it. I think you guys are one of the best teams ever. I just got tremendous respect for a team that can get there that many times. And you know, it’s kind of crazy that you’re only measured by the one thing, but I do feel like football fans respect the fuck out of you. And the thing is, the further away we are removed from those games, the more people realize what we accomplished. Even though back in the day, you know, after losing three, people are like, oh, no, not to buffer our bills again. And our motto was, let’s piss everybody off. Let’s go back for four. And we did. Even though we didn’t win the camaraderie we had in that locker room, the closest that we had, we would never been able to do that if we didn’t have great leaders, not only in our locker room, but as a head coach of Marv Levy. He was amazing. He knew how to handle us. He knew what strength to pull. And of course, we knew how much we respected him. I’m 39. You’re fucking Hall of Famer. But from this 39 year old to this 64 year old Hall of Famer, I got to tell you, I never thought they weren’t good enough. It’s just I know how hard it is. It takes everything breaking right. That’s one of the things I say is one or two players going towards the ballgame can change the outcome or totally change the flow of the game. And a couple of games that Jack, what happened to us? But you know what? I don’t sit here and worry about it or think about it anymore. I don’t. The only time I really ever think about is run Super Bowl when you’re playing on TV and I change the channel or when I go. But it’s never gotten to a point where I sit there and cry over.