Reviewing the Thorin 1 USB Cable: A Durable and Colorful Charging Solution

I am reviewing this awesome Thorin 1 USB cable and look at this gorgeous color. I love this. This is four foot purple. I love this. Look at this. You’ve got your USB. You’ve got your smart charger right there for your smartphone on that end and check this out. Pull out. You’ve got your C type charger. Pull this end out. You’ve got another C type charger. C type charger to C type charger. So that is pretty cool. These are made so durable that they can even withstand me and that is awesome. Look at that. That is so cool. Then you can go from like a USB to a C. Ooh, that rhymed. That’s so cool. But if you want one of these, click on that Thorin shopping cart below and get you one of these. These are so cool. And it’s even got that right there so you can just wind it up and keep it in storage.