Moving House Madness: Packing, Cleaning, and Chaos with Kids

We are scheduled to move house in four sleeps. You know you’re a parent when you count things down like that. This is basically all the packing that I’ve done. Somebody help me. It’s summer holidays with two children plus a newborn and this is what my house currently looks like. And I need to get it into some form of array. You do too young man. The jobs list for today is to get this shelf down and also to try and clean this because it’s got loads of like, monkey soap in it. So that’s one job. Because I’m obviously trying to get this house looking lovely for its new first time buyers coming into the house. The next thing is to try and get some packing done and the next thing is cleaning. Now cleaning I’m really stressed about because I feel like until everything is out I can’t fully clean stuff because like, you know how do I clean this corner for example and behind this bed when it’s all still there? But by the time it’s out of our house we’re going to literally have probably 30 minutes before we have to hand the keys over. I know people move house all the time but how do they do this? Because I really want to leave this house so lovely and I don’t know how to. Another job for today is going to be to see what’s up there. Yesterday we did a tip for our and we literally filled the entire car. I was very, very proud of us. It was either tip or charity shop. My husband stopped at the charity shop first, took three bin bags to the charity shop and then everything else went to the tip. So that felt good. But I still feel like it hasn’t made a dent. I still feel like there’s loads of bloody stuff in this house. And this is just upstairs. Don’t even get me started on downstairs.