Challenging One-Hour Run: A Tough Start to the Day

Today we’ve got a one hour run. I was gonna do two hours but I woke up and my recovery is only 40% so that’s not a great start to the day. We’re still gonna get a workout in. I’ve just done like a 500 meter run just to see how my body feels and yeah it is not the greatest so we need to really warm up properly today. Let’s go. It’s not feeling great. Struggling. My heart rate is just playing with my heart rate. Heart rate’s okay. I just feel lethargic even though I got seven hours sleep. I think maybe I need more supplements. I don’t know. It’s not good at the moment. I’m being really honest. I don’t even want to be out here right now. Doesn’t feel good. Doesn’t feel enjoyable. I’m pushing. There’s nothing there. I don’t know if I’m hungry. Maybe I didn’t eat enough yesterday. I don’t know. I honestly don’t know. Man I’m in pain. 20 minutes in. I do not feel good. I have not. I don’t think my HRV is off. Everything I’m doing feels super hard. Not too sure what’s happened there. I did see 40% recovery today which isn’t great so I’m in the park now. Time to segment it. Maybe do intervals because that’s the only way I’m gonna be able to finish this workout without feeling like we’re about to flatline. Let’s start the day. Let’s go. Honestly with running when you have days like this you start to question if your work, the work you’ve put in, is actually making you fitter. I can’t tell you right now if I’m fitter. I definitely don’t feel fitter today. I’m only at 7 kilometres. My heart rate’s at 169 and I’m not even going fast. So my HRV is off today. Don’t know why but it’s off. It hurts. Almost there. Get this silly workout complete. This was terrible. Alright. Done. Dusted. Yeah that was a terrible workout. That wasn’t fun. Nothing fun about that at all. But we’re starting the week. I was gonna say strong but definitely not strong. We’re starting the week. The stats. Rubbish. Effort. Was hard. For some reason. 890 calories burnt. That didn’t feel good at all. 40% recovery. 65% sleep. I don’t know man. I ain’t got the answer. But anyway we’ll take that. We’re gonna be out again tomorrow continuing the week of training. I’m gonna go work on my design. Speak to my manufacturer. The usual business stuff. See you in the next one.