Breaking Generational Curses, Embracing Victory: A Call to Rejoice in Spiritual Truth and Walk in Overwhelming Victory

I break off this generational curse that has gone for several generations, for three generations. This curse that has tormented your children, the grandchildren. I break this curse now. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Lord. Hallelujah. We are victors in Christ. Champions of God. We as children of God should rejoice more, rejoicing in the goal that we have received. We are the champions, my friends! Rejoice in your victory! The promised land is yours! Abundant life, healing and freedom is yours! Be healed in your body now. The desires of your heart will be fulfilled, they are yours! Thank you, Jesus! Hallelujah! We are victors! We are champions! The devil is under our feet! We’ve won the gold! This revival is going to fill stadiums! Every promise will come to pass! Millions all over the world will enter in this end time revival! We’ll be saved, delivered, healed and walk in their purpose! This revival will go to every nation and no plans of the enemy can stop it! This is overwhelming victory! If you think this is radical, I got news for you. You are called to be this radical in Christ! If you think this rejoicing is a little crazy, this is called living in the spiritual truth! We should wake up every day like this! I got overwhelming victory today! We should get out of the bed without hopping or stepping! Oh, I thank you God for overwhelming victory today! Oh, I thank you God! Every day you should rejoice like you’ve won the gold! Because this is the spiritual reality of your life! This is how you walk in the victory is walking in the truth! This is called faith right here, the rejoicing! This is called walking by faith, walking by the spirit! This is called pleasing God because you cannot please God without faith! What a shame to not walk in the victory that God’s already given you because you don’t believe it! Or you don’t value it! We are going to believe it and value it every day, amen! I detach you from everything on this list and I cancel every demonic covenant that came with the new age healing. And I declare every spirit attached all must go on three in Jesus name. One, two, three. Hallelujah! I feel the fire of God! Wow, the fire of God is here! Receive more fire! Receive more fire to walk in boldness, to walk in zeal, to walk with passion, with more faith, with more excitement to serve God. Receive this fire now! Hallelujah!