Unveiling the Mystery: The Intriguing Challenge of ‘Don’t Touch My Money’ in Rainbow Six Siege

A mysterious challenge has appeared in Rainbow Six Siege which is for an event that doesn’t exist. It is called Don’t Touch My Money and you have to eliminate 15 opponents while you or they are on the objective site and the picture is clearly a crossover skin with Payday. Specifically this one is for Xero. At this moment in time for making this video that does not yet exist in the store. This brings me flashbacks to one of the worst events ever in Rainbow Six Siege which was heist. It was actually a collaboration with Netflix and the event took place on bank and was essentially just an advert for a TV show and considering there was no more collaborations with Netflix after that, I assume it went down really badly. This challenge simply gives the usual battle pass points you would expect and there’s not two of them as you would expect with an event, there’s only this one showing up with a gap where the other one would be. My guess right now is that this is probably not a proper event, this is probably just a couple of extra challenges to focus your eyes on the store to maybe go buy these things when they do show up and presumably this has just appeared earlier than it was supposed to and with Reveal the next season coming in just over a week it would be very unusual to actually launch an event right now so we’ll see if this actually leads to anything but right now I’m not expecting much at all.