High-Stakes CCTV Rush: A Tactical Siege Story

I feel like we do the CCTV rush this time. I’m down if they’re up there. I don’t think they have a mirror this time. Well, you not checking for spawn peaks is crazy. We got a rush. Ready? Send it. Instant. Good. Oh my god. There’s no one back here. No one going to the left. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. We smoking everything. He ran, he ran, he ran, he ran. Smoke everything. Don’t forget to put down your tracks. I’m doing it. Put down your tracks. I’m doing it. I’m doing it. We’re planting. Oh, he just ran in. Oh, one’s behind. Can I throw? Oh, never mind. I throw. Yeah, you get him, get him. I don’t like this. No. No, he’s gonna get hit by your tracks. I’m gonna flash him. He’ll run right into him. Here we go. Run. Run into the tracks. No, into the tracks. I would see you dodge the wall. How? No. That was actually impressive.