Title: Love Island Season Six Reunion Drama: Fans Demand Focus on More Than Kayla and Aaron

If the Love Island season six reunion is all about Kayla and Aaron, I am going to be mad as fuck. I am telling you, I will not watch another season of Love Island USA. Swear to God. Let me explain. Allegedly, yesterday when they were filming the reunion, it was supposed to start at six, but because Kayla and Aaron kept on fighting, they had to stop production for I don’t know how many hours and they just kept going back and forth. That is what allegedly happened. What I am getting from this is that they are going to be more focused about the Kayla and Aaron drama more than everybody else’s issues. I am not trying to get that all over again. We already got the Kayla and Aaron show in the villa and I am not trying to have that again at the reunion. I quite frankly don’t give a damn anymore. I like Kara. I really do like Kara. Aaron, he is a cool friend. Boyfriend, significant other, no. But cool friend. I don’t give a damn about their fucking drama. I am not trying to hear the fuck. I am not trying to hear that. I am not trying to hear that. Please, please, please, please, please. Peacock, Peacock, Peacock, Love Island, Love Island. I am speaking for the people right now. Do not make that reunion about Kayla and Aaron, okay? If you want to chop it up into parts, go ahead. Do not make that all about Kayla and Aaron, okay? Literally save five minutes for them and then the rest of the time for everybody else. Please. I kid you not. I would quite rather literally have Rob explain how to catch a snake in the jungle for the majority of the reunion than to have the majority of the reunion be about Kayla and Aaron’s drama. Please, please spare us. Please. The only thing that I care about when it comes to this reunion is the entire CASA situation excluding the Kayla and Aaron drama, please, and the coy and conner situation with Janette. That’s all that I care about. Do not give me episodes of Kayla and Aaron arguing. And if it’s only just one episode for this reunion, do not make the majority of that episode of them fighting. You will lose a faithful, I wouldn’t say faithful because honestly, I just got this subscription, but you will lose my dollars. I will not be watching another Love Island USA season again if you pull this.