Guarded by the Spotlight: A Journey of Estrangement, Isolation, and Hope for Reconnection

So your mom had diagnosed you with a behavioral disorder. She put you in an institution. I was isolated for a very, very large part of my childhood, if I could even say I had a childhood. Our family was under a spotlight 24-7. My mother, especially following her divorce, there was this light cast on her as a single mother taking care of eight children. I know strongly that the reason I was sent away was for my mother to protect her reputation. If I ever had children, I would not put them in front of a camera. When was the last time you saw your estranged siblings? Before I went to institution. It’s been a good amount of years. You haven’t spoken or seen them since 2016? At all. I love my siblings very, very much. I would never hurt them. I would never trash their names. What I do believe is that my mother is behind things that they say in the media. I think if we knew each other today, we’d be very good friends. You recently said, I really, really hope one day that we can all reconnect and put the show behind us and just be siblings again. I have hope that it’s a possibility. Yeah. And it’s something I want more than anything. I just want to see my siblings.