Yearning for Adulthood: A Conversation About Growing Up and Paying Bills

Hey remember earlier you said you wish you were an adult? Why? Because I’m ready to start driving a car and paying bills. I don’t want to be a little kid no more. Do you know that it’s hard out here for a pimp when you’re trying to get that money for the rent? I’m just kidding that’s a saying off of a movie but it is hard. You want to pay bills? Yeah. What? I want to be older. Why? I want to be a big boy. You don’t want to be a kid? No. You don’t want to play and get free toys and free gifts from everybody? No. I want to be older. I want to be a grown up like you are. Why though? I just told you why. Dude you’re only six and you already want to be an adult? Yeah. Do you even know what it means to pay bills? I guess get money or do a lot of things with bills. No. Bills are things like to keep my phone on I have to pay for it. To keep this car running I have to put gas in it and pay for it. If anything bad happens to the car like if the tires go bad or the engine gets messed up I have to pay a lot of money to get that fixed and I don’t want to pay them my money. What the heck? No one likes bills dude. So you’re telling me you want to pay for everything? Yeah you’re so silly I made this. Wow you are so silly I don’t think you get it. I think you’re going to look back at this and you’re going to be thinking like what the heck was I thinking? Seriously you’re going to look back at this as an adult and you’re going to say what the heck was I thinking mom? Because that’s silly. Nobody wants to pay bills Brayden. I do. Wow you are different. Do you have anything else to say? No I just want to stay here.