The Mystical Journey: Awakening, Ascension, and the Enigmatic Connection to Mars

So why Mars? Why not pay attention? Everything in life is about a cycle. It’s an endless cycle. That’s the flower of life. That’s that the symbol, the flower of life. I saw the symbol, so I didn’t even know what it was. My awakening was natural, through meditation and reading and opening my mind, reading esoteric, occult knowledge, reading all religions and then meditating. And then, you know, one day I had that supernatural awakening, which was natural. And then I experience with DMT. And then you see, you know, it’s so alien and it’s so like fatigue. Like you see things that like they look ancient, like some of like the hieroglyphs and the symbols and you know, cuz they were with it and that’s the God Molly cure. But so why Mars? If you go back in a time and see how there’s pyramids everywhere, there’s even pyramids on the back of our Bill. Look at that. American money, you know, pyramids. Yeah, funny. And the top is like illuminated with a light, with an eye. And you see how like just at different times there’s all these pyramids and they were all connected and you know, everything is a cycle. Like these civilizations ascended and they went to higher dimensions, to higher realities. Because that’s the purpose of each and every soul and of existence in itself, to evolve into source, to higher the dimensions, which is less matter, less of a body and more energy.

We’re like collecting data. So why Mars is so important is because we’re at that cycle now, at that time, and there was a mass Ascension three years ago, and I was part of it and I felt it. And, you know, I woke up like a whole warehouse. It was great.

Now I miss those days. 7th Caucus road happen at and that’s 21,3, that’s the middle. So Morris is like very important because that’s the prime focus right now and must knows more than he could probably say, but we are ascending to Mars at one point had a civilization. I don’t. I’m pretty sure there’s pyramids on Mars, you know? Do you think they’re gonna release, you know, everything to the public? NASA, you know, it’s, they’re so corrupt and crooked, all of it, NASA, the government, it just is and like P like people just don’t understand that. So we are ascending to that place and everything is in your head, you know, cuz it’s a projection, you know, the hollow hologram. It really is. It’s like wearing a headset.

So we’re at that point now where like Mars is the focus and it has been before and it will be again. It’s our sister planet and we are evolving back home to Mars. And that’s it.

We’re the Martians. We’re interdimensional beings, and we will ascend to Mars. And I think a lot of it has to do with what I’m holding in my hand right now. It still hasn’t come to me completely yet. You know, something with the code of nature and technology to merge together and to do with love. And you have to program the code correctly. And we need to realize our true nature and divinity. And then we will ascend to that higher dimension, consciousness. So Mars is very important.

And once I get going, I got so many things I want to say. And, you know, so, you know, embrace this and, you know, start reading. Pay attention, you know, pay attention and like connect the dots. You’ll connect, build your pyramid and, you know, let’s go back home to Mars. And it was wiped out and earth may be wiped out at 1.2, but there’s always going to be an endless cycle. And right now, Mars is the focus. And it’s the focus for a reason. And yes, it does matter that we get there. And I think we will get there. But everything’s in your head. Everything is in your head.

The eye. Yeah, sure. Yeah, sure. I am one of the kings of Mars. There are other people that have been sent here to say this. I haven’t really heard a lot about it yet. Musk is one of them. And if I can only talk to him and the things I, they have flown into my mind and my consciousness, throwing my meditation and just like the interactions I’ve had when entities and other beings that, you know, I’ve literally had a, I was one time took a little bit of mushrooms, those in my room. I was cleaning up cuz I have microdose and I, you know, clean up. I was sweeping and I wasn’t losing it cuz I filmed before I was sweeping. Cuz I used to film and like document stuff and send it to my group chat that I had like, we’re gonna do a podcast. And like I was filming and I was like saying something else and then and I like swap the pile and I like going to my room and I like, I film the pile, you know, cuz I like filmed again, there’s like frames and then I come back out and the pile is completely gone. It’s gotten, there’s times on these videos is on my other iPhone and I call my boy and I’m like freaking the out. I’m like, yo, the pile, somebody is messing with me. Nobody’s in my house. Somebody moved the pile. It was like a black dust, like a void of, and it was all dust. So like five minutes later, come back and the piles right there, it’s right there.

And then I turned to my right and I saw the flower life pattern on my wall in her head, saw like ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and stuff like that. And it just looks so like familiar to me, like I was home and like, you know, thoughts about Mars started flowing in my head and told me I’m here to tell people, you know, that we are sending two Mars and, you know, that we should all pay attention to Musk. And Musk is really, he’s really not a bad guy. He means well. And, you know, we will get there and we will ascend cuz light always wins.

So why Mars? Because why not? Because that is the truth. We are returning back home. It’s a cycle. It’s like a never ending cycle. Enjoy it, man. It’s great. So I am a king of Mars because I said sir, and you will be hearing about me. And that’s not my ego because I realize I am nothing. I am everything and nothing at the same time. And I am Mars and so are you. Not everyone here. You have star seeds. We need to get the majority of the planet, a certain percentage on that same frequency, and we will ascend to that dimension in here to more advanced and highly evolve worlds. And we will return to our true form, which is Mars. We are Mars. Build your pyramid. You know, I can research this too. How did the engine jumps is not about that. I haven’t. Okay. Cuz they were smart, smarter than us. They were more, you know, connected to, you know, nature in intelligent from, you know, in that sense. So let’s go. Let’s get there, baby. Later.