Uptown Drama: The Unraveling of a Podcasting Sensation

What you do? Can’t rub out. What you did do? Can’t rub out. Now, before any more messages get leaked, let me explain what is going on, people. It seems my old sparring partner is at it again. One voice, the done voice, is back at it. She just couldn’t learn her lesson. She just couldn’t see people business and leave it alone. Now, people, she ended up in a kerfuffle. She ended up in a fracas. She ended up in a squabble with Mr. J. Frey, the leading podcaster. Now, people, they can’t call it Uptown Mondays again because Uptown Monday is now Uptown Tuesday, Wednesday, and it’s still Thursday morning. Here I am, Thursday morning, and Uptown still a keep. Well, guess what? I don’t know why she thought I was going to mediate it and be the voice of reason. You forget, say, you call police for me? Mr. Uptown is very festive. And people, let me be honest. I was on her side. I wanted her to win. Oh, so badly. I wanted her to win. I’ve been planning this for weeks. I’ve been planning this for months. I’ve been planning this for years. Me and her were going to take over the world. I was going to take the iPhone forward from Mr. Frey, and me and her were going to be the podcasting sensation before this squabbling of people. When it was still in the early rounds, I told her this is an easy win. She doesn’t have to lose. All she needs to do is become post, tell her side of the story. Because remember, say, the streets kind of have him punkish. Remember, the streets have him a little soft. But tell her, say, she cannot lose. I don’t know how she never win. Of all the things she choose to do, she threatened the man girlfriend, the pretty, innocent supermodel, the girl who McGroj Jeffery for. You really had to threaten to leak her sensitive pictures. What did she have to do with the fracas? She has nothing to do with the argument. You ruined it. You fucked it up. You fucked it up. Not him. You did. See, if Mr. Frey never record everything and have receipts and evidence, this would have been a different bloodthirsty video. Instead, I’m all white. I’m all white people. I keep one night night. I’m all white to celebrate my enemy going to death. I am not going to die. I’m time that for good home. So, yo, we’ll keep one night night, people. Over Kemana’s Park. Just work with you with good vibes. You see me? Me a butcher to ram goat. We are getting in some swimmers. We’re going to get some jungle soup. And Rumfire is sponsoring the event. One class are never fucking few. Hey, who? I’m out.