Exciting Car Reveal Tomorrow at 3 pm: New Ride or Rebuilt Venom? Plus: Merch Store Announcement!

Right now I’m at 7-eleven we have Matthew shooting content for the car reveal tomorrow. The car looks absolutely beautiful I cannot wait to show you guys. Comment down below whether I got a new car or a rebuilt Venom. Whether it’s a new car, whether a rebuilt Venom, you guys are going to be excited with the choice I made. Tomorrow at 3 pm stay tuned because the car reveal will be announced. Also a lot of you guys have asked me when am I dropping merch. Well I finally came out with some. Ah yeah I will be opening the store as soon as the video does go live tomorrow. Not only will the merch have the Shelby but it will have the other car on there as well. But once again tomorrow 3 pm. I hope you guys are excited Jets.