Brainstorming Team Social Event Ideas: Polling for Activities and Preferences

may I pick your brain?
Heck I’d let you pick my next husband if you ask
I’ve been given the very important task of choosing the next team social event
oh good
you know it’s been far too long since we’ve done one of those
I need to choose an activity and the timing for it
I think a Friday night would be appropriate
hmm I don’t know about that
as for activities within budget
we could take a guided walk around the pond,
groom goats at the local shelter,
have a tea tasting or attend a workshop on closet organisation
those sure are some ideas
I am torn as to what to choose
why don’t you ask?
what do you mean?
create a survey and send it to the team
that’ll tell you what people would be interested in doing
and their preferred date and time
hmm I never thought to do that
that’ll make the decision for you
now I’ll go ahead and send you a link to SurveyMonkey to get started
thank you Donna Sue
just so you knows my vote is grooming them goats
warm regards
toodaloo tiramisu