From Anxiety to Confidence: How YouTube Changed My Life

If you are debating starting a YouTube channel,
this is your sign to do it.
When I first started my YouTube channel,
I was an awkward, anxious 18 year old.
And fast forward to today,
which is nearly 10 years on,
which I find crazy in itself.
I am now 27 and I can fully say that YouTube has helped me to put
push myself out of my comfort zone and grow my confidence.
I didn’t actually take a train by myself until I was 20 years old
because of my anxiety issues.
But that very first time that I took a train by myself
was to go to a photoshoot
that was with a brand.
And I got that brand deal because of my YouTube videos.
And I was so excited and honoured to be a part of that campaign
that I pushed myself fully out of my comfort zone and face my anxiety.
Don’t get me wrong, it was not easy,
but I did it. And from then
I was able to slowly push myself more out of my comfort zone
and do similar things.
That was definitely a moment where I felt like I made it on YouTube
because a brand wanted me in their campaign
and I was actually able to face my fears and go.
And I still have to pinch myself when these things happen.
It is very cool. I’m still not quite used to it
all these years later and my anxiety is Not cured by any means,
but I have come on leaps and bounds,
and I think that YouTube is one of the reasons for that.
And I’ve also become more confident at meeting new people
from going to events and just generally speaking in front of people.
And I’ve also definitely grown my tech skills
and my general makeup abilities.
So I have a lot to thank YouTube for.
So if you were needing that extra push to start your YouTube channel,
maybe this is your sign. I say do it.
What have you got to lose?