Refunding Roblox Charges: How Apple Support Saved the Day for this Mom

so I was just checking my emails like a cute mom does
and I noticed that my 8 year old had ran up quite the charges on Roblox
and yes your nephew is now grounded internet
and there’s nothing you can do about it
um I wanted to delete his account but I decided not to
but the purpose of this video is that apple will refund you
if you call Apple Support and you tell them listen
my kid has been naughty naughty
this is what happened um
they will refund it so I’m in the process of like the review period
they are looking into a researching at
the lady was so nice I didn’t even know that this was a thing
um he backed up three hundred and six dollars and fifty three cents
on his game um
and I did message his friends because he was talking to friends from school
and turns out it was a little Roblox scheme thing that they had going on um
so everybody’s grounded and um
he was just telling me his life is ruined
and I’m like please I’ve done far worse
um but I’m giving him
you know some sympathy a little bit
and if you don’t think your kid will ever do it
you’re wrong they will do it
um so hope that helps