Ensuring No Child Goes Without: Partnering with Doordash to Provide School Supplies to Local Elementary School

No, we are not opening our own school.
I know it may look like that with all these school supplies.
That is not what’s going on here.
But let’s talk about what’s really going on.
So I partner with Doordash
to make sure no kid goes without the school supplies they need
this year at my local elementary school.
And to make sure I didn’t buy out all the school supplies
at individual store,
I made sure to purchase from a bunch of stores that Doordash offers
that carry school supplies,
and there’s a lot.
If you’re looking for an easy way to get school supplies here,
definitely check out Doordash.
They make life simple.
So what I did is I went down to my local elementary school
and I got a list what each student need for each class.
Then I just purchase roughly 10 to 12 of each item for each class.
That accounts for roughly half of the class.
Assuming most of the kids are going to be able to come to school
with the supplies they need,
and some will come with most of the supplies they need,
and some may come with none,
my idea with this was if a kid comes to class and couldn’t afford
or forgot their school supplies,
they weren’t left feeling awkward,
alone, or without the supplies they needed.
Now, I know this is just one school in one tiny town,
but I hope it inspires others to check with Their local school,
to see if there’s anything they can do,
if they’re in the position to.
And I genuinely hope you all have A great start to your school year.
Peace out.