Title: The Importance of Social Media Etiquette: A Military Chaplain’s Warning and Guidance

person of the day I wanna come to you with a little education
I do a lot of inspirational social media TikTok
Facebook uh Instagram
LinkedIn all kind of inspirational stuff
I’ve taken a lot of criticism for a person being of my rank and my status
and my personal profession
being a chaplain being on social media
but I personally think this is where soldiers are
and this is where I wanna be
and I I
I deal with the consequences
it’s very hard and I’m very sad about it
but I was just trying to be an inspiration
but that’s not why I’m here
I’m here to tell you that
the DOD has just come out with a new policy on social media
whether it is a professional
but especially for you
personal accounts
this is very important because it has very specific language in there
and the reason I’m coming to you
I don’t like to really get into a lot of military business on here uh
but I have to come here not as an old foggy
I am 53 years old and I’m a
and I’m a Chapman
but it has specific instances
especially on page 23 about personal accounts and inappropriate behavior
I can tell you without giving away anybody’s confidentiality
I know at least five people who have ruined
or who have lost their careers because of social media
uh if I were you
I if you think it’s suspect
I wouldn’t do it because it’s not worth it
I personally am not a commander
I don’t have UCMJ authority
however if I was a commander and I’m on social media before work and after work
a lot
a lot of behaviour that I see is really suspect
and a lot of it is in uniform
I’m not saying that as a measure of condemnation
I’m saying it now because the policy is out
it is in common that you read it
is imperative that you read it
because it won’t be an excuse when your commander
your first sergeant your sergeant major
they’re all looking at your social media
so it would behoove you to not only go read this policy
but to clean up your behavior on social media
the songs that are in the back ball background can be considered uh
unprofessional I always cut all of the serious stupidity out of the songs
and clean up the songs especially the stuff that you’re doing in uniform
you gotta be careful I’m just your brother
I’m just sending out a warning order
go and read the policy I think it’s beneficial to you
all of us are trying to take our families
don’t lose your career over social media have a great day