Analyzing Document Content with Jedi: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Katie Jagger. Do you have channel today? I’m going to show you how you can analyze your documents using Jedi. So let me show you. First of all, you have to make a workspace of Jeddah AI. So now you can see there are some options here like Universal Analysis, Mind Map, Flow Chart, and at the bottom of this menu, you can see the document inside. Just click on it and now you can upload some documents. Just make sure there is no document file, kind of blah, blah, blah. And upload limit to workspace is 10 files. So you can upload up to 10 files, which is 20 mb for each supported document file, docx, PDF, RDF, TXT for fast response, reduce file size and selection. So if you need the faster response, you have to reduce the file size. Actually, you can do it by using PDF Compressor. Just type it like this. And then you can see. I love PDF. I really recommend this side because it will reduce your file size. Okay, massive possible size.

And now I’m going, I’m not going to do that here. I got a PDF compare profile of some of the caps. Now I am going to upload this here by using this one and then upload file. And I’m going to upload the company profile of some like apps and then it will be uploaded here. Wait, okay, cool.

Now it’s uploaded here. I am going to ask some questions from this document. First of all, I will show you. Warna, warna, dance of this love actually this is coming. Oke enggak balik on then you can see the preview video.

Now you can see what the saya curi include exes, so it has a mission, our vision and the things that you can get. First of all, i am going to from this document is the mission of the document oke and polio klik on this file list and click this document and you can check maupun dokumen so ya am going to this guy and i have service watch genre action my friend bocor mind map analisis. And maybe sticking out.

Okay, I’m going to use the text mode here. And now I need to select the AI model. I’m going to use the llama model, llama 70 billion parameters model. And then I’m going to ask some questions from this document. Okay, what is the mission? And then I’m going to click on this button.

Okay, great. Actually, you can see it looks like you provided the mission statement of similar cabs and tours, which is the mission of Summer Caves and tours is to deliver exceptional transfer quotation and to experiences that exceed customer expectation. So this is the mission. And this mission statement is concise, clear and focused on customer satisfaction. It sets addressing the importance of providing exceptional experience that meet our exceed custom exception.

If this is great, right, I’m going to double click this and then I’m going to check what is the mission I got on the file. Okay, where’s the mission at? Similar caps and tours. Our mission is to deliver exceptional transportation and our experiences that exceed custom expectations. So that’s the mission. So great, Jedi. So you have done a great job.

Now I am going to ask to rewrite the mission. Now you can see the mission easier. Right now I’m going to rewrite this. First of all, I need to take this out of this. Just control C and control V like this. Then you have to double click on this and then go to the end of the sentence and type slash here. You can add this text option. Before that, you have to make sure that you have already typed rewrite the a bowl mission. And then you can type slash, then click on this text option here. Now it will generate something, right? Okay, cool. Here’s the rewritten version of the mission statement at similar cabs and tours, our mission is to provide unparalleled transportation and tour services that serve, surpass customer expectations, blah, blah, blah. Okay, now you can see how we can work with the documents. And also after getting the contents, then we can change them as we need. And you can do a lot of things. Thank you very much for watching this video. And I hope this tutorial will help you a lot. Thank you very much. Bye.