Adventures in Florida: A Retired Couple’s Travel Diaries

Hi, I’m Priscilla.
I live in an old church, but I’m in Florida for a couple weeks.
The old church is in Pennsylvania.
Morton and I came down.
We’re visiting our daughter and her lovely family
and my sister and just having lovely family time.
Morton is retired. I’m an artist,
so I can work anywhere. I will be working when I’m down here.
Morton and I. If you think we’ve traveled a lot in the past,
you haven’t seen anything yet.
Oh my gosh. Get ready,
cause boy, oh boy
are we gonna be traveling.
Martin has jumped in the North Sea,
but he’s walking in slowly.
How’s the water, babe?
Not very warm. Do you want me to have your glasses?
No. Here we go.
One, two, three. Go for it.
Go on, Babe.
Wee! And away he goes.
Oh my goodness. Never,
ever grow up. Never stop adventuring.
And always go to Florida when you can.