Memories of a Perfect Weekend: Football Games, Lake Trips, and Sunset Cruises

Hey guys, happy Tuesday.
Had a long weekend, so we didn’t go to school yesterday
cause yesterday was an asynchronous day,
and on those days we don’t go to school,
but we still have assignments to do online.
Yeah, basically,
this weekend was just so good
and I was like the happiest I’ve been in so long. Right?
I went to a football game and I think it got rained out by halftime.
Really? Right
at halftime
they called a weather delay and everybody had to evacuate the stands.
And I was like, there’s no reason to do this.
It’s not even raining. It doesn’t look like it’s going to.
Yeah, no,
maybe five minutes later
it started downpouring and thundering and lightning everywhere.
So we sat in the hallway for like an hour.
But it was fun because we had a little dance party
and ate a bunch of food during the weather today,
so it was fine. We sat in there for maybe like an hourish
and it got cancelled after that.
I also got to see my friend from out of town that night,
so that was awesome.
Then the next morning I went to my friend’s boyfriend’s football game,
which she had me get up at 8:00am on a Saturday to go to.
And then the next morning I got up super early again to go to the lake.
It was literally a 24 hour lake trip
and I don’t think I’ve had that much fun.
In so long. Like,
we went tubing so much, and I actually ate it.
And Sunday morning, we all went home,
but I woke up at, like,
7 a m. So we could go tubing before we left.
And Lily and I ended up going,
and we were the only people on the lake.
Oh, and then also we went on a little sunset cruise with my dog.
And it was so cute. Like,
we all got such good pictures,
and it was so fun. Like,
it was just such a good weekend,
and I wish I could just, like,
repeat it. It was so much fun.
Anyways, I’m done. Bye.