Family Chaos and Tough Decisions: A Father’s Call for Change

Come on kids, get ready and dad’s gonna take you to the McDonald’s.
Do you stop playing with all that washing powder?
You covered in it. It’s everywhere.
Come on, get ready kids.
Oh my God, man,
I’ve had enough of this. Look at you again.
I’ve just had a phone call at work.
I’ve had to have the afternoon off off work.
And he told me that the twins have been out there in their nappies.
What’s going on?
Yours in there covered in bloody washing up powder and all sorts.
Sort yourself out.
That ain’t. That ain’t bloody squash neither.
Yeah, you’re drinking and you’re over medicated.
Sort yourself out. Look at the state of the place.
I’m not putting up with it.
First of all, okay,
it’s not a problem. I’m not an addict.
It’s on prescription. The doctor gives it to me.
Second of all, that is for medicinal purposes.
Third of all, the.
The boys, they’re 12 and 13.
They can look after kids. Go away.
You’re over medicated. Yeah, and plus.
And you’re drinking. It’s got to stop.
I can’t even go work and trust you anymore.
And you’re letting everything go.
Yeah, I’ve had enough.
You’re going back to any right
and you’re gonna get help.
I’ve had enough of it!
Listen, wherever I go,
they laugh me up to their prescription medication.
Come on. Oh God,
shut up! It’s still an addiction,
ain’t it? No.