Title: Observations on Rafael Warnock’s Empathetic Approach to Political Campaigning

I need you to watch this clip and tell me what you noticed.
I need all of my neighbor’s children to be okay.
Poor inner city children in Atlanta and poor children of Appalachia.
I need the poor children of Israel and the poor children of Gaza.
I need Israelis and Palestinians.
I need those in the Congo,
those in Haiti, those in Ukraine.
I need American. What I noticed is that Rafael Warnock,
Democrat from Georgia,
is doing something that the DNC hasn’t done in a long time.
Actually listening to the media in advance of the DNC
and trying to tap in authentically to the worries of people.
Now, we can debate if he meant it,
but he literally put it. If you listen to the whole thing.
The children
of all of the major touch points in the political campaign
at the latchen, for example,